#オバマ大統領 は「クリミア編入と比較すると、イラクへの侵略がそんなにひどくはなかったんだ」と指摘した。イラクで五百万人ぐらいの難民が出て、百万人のイラク人や五千人ぐらいの米国人がなくなったのに、戦後のイラクはテロの拠点にかわったのに http://t.co/91WaJsoPEh
— 在日ロシア連邦大使館 (@RusEmbassyJ) 2014, 3月 27


- サラリーマンの欧米労働志向は現実的か 移民という日本人が踏まされる踏み絵 アントニオ・バルガス氏を生み出す社会は日本に必要ない
- ウクライナクーデター・クリミア併合問題が引き起こす邦銀の窒息ショック”急激な円高、外貨枯渇”日経上昇とメガバンクマイナスが示唆する知られざる危機シナリオ
- モラルハザード大国日本 悪いのは会社だけ? 低下の一方の民度、何でもかんでもブラック企業のせい 日本企業の強み再構築の必要性
- クリミア併合問題、ロシア向けVISAカード決済停止 ロシアで凍結される総額12兆円の人質、市場から消えるロシアマネー、安保理での衝撃発言 西側の孤立化策は成立するか?
- ロシアでゲリラ戦発生 女性1000人斬られる
- インドネシア 未加工資源の輸出禁止へ政策転換 親日国の幻想、撥ね付けられる岸田外相の抗議 大義と魂無き小銭外交が通用しなくなりつつあるアジア諸国
- 北の白熊、クリミア編入条約に調印 西側諸国の対ロシア経済制裁は有効か?窮地に立たされる東亜の燃料安保、ガス輸出国会議第三位のカタールで騒乱煽動
- ”白熊” ロシア、クリミア編入決議 空振りした財産凍結、突如の米国債下落 大義を失いつつある西側民主主義 同床異夢は終わりの始まり
- 小保方女史叩きと日本博士界の科学力 割烹着を槍玉に挙げるだけのフェミニズムに正義はあるか?
- どうしてネトウヨは何をやってもダメなのか 黒子のバスケ、アンネの日記事件と、安倍ちゃんの河野談話論争を考察する
President Obama’s key speech in Brussels on Ukraine and attempts to isolate Russia appears to be an exercise of omission, mutually-exclusive statements and unveiled double standards.
Here’s a quick look at what Obama told an audience of some 2,000
people in his damning 30-minute speech.“Each of us has the right to live as we choose.”
But it’s true only for those good pro-European protesters in
Kiev, who used firebombs and batons to make their point. The bad
pro-Russian residents of Crimea are not allowed to, right?![]()
“Together, we’ve condemned Russia’s invasion of Ukraine and
rejected the legitimacy of the Crimean referendum.”
That’s right. Referendum = bad. Firebombs = good.
Well, Obama says Russia invaded Ukraine while the US and the EU
stayed at arm’s length and allowed things to settle down.“Make no mistake, neither the United States nor Europe has any
interest in controlling Ukraine.”
And they absolutely didn’t send troves of officials to Kiev to
cheer up anti-government protesters. And when Deputy Secretary of
State Victoria Nuland discussed with Ambassador Geoffrey Pyatt
who should and who shouldn’t be in the next Ukrainian government,
that was merely small talk between two observing diplomats.![]()
When it comes to invasions, President Obama has a lesson or two
to teach Russians.“We did not claim or annex Iraq’s territory. We did not grab its
resources for our own gain. Instead, we ended our war and left
Iraq to its people in a fully sovereign Iraqi state that can make
decisions about its own future.“
This sovereign nation has only token sovereignty over Kurd
territories in the north. Terrorists roam free in some rural
areas and want to carve an Islamist state of it. And deaths from
car bombs are more frequent then deaths from car accidents. A
decade of statecraft later, at least 7,800 civilians and 1,000
troops killed in 2013 alone. Mission accomplished.![]()
Obama mentioned another interventionist success story in his
speech, that of Kosovo.“NATO only intervened after the people of Kosovo were
systematically brutalized and killed for years.”
Good point. Of course the alliance didn’t bother to get a UN
Security Council mandate and bombed the Serbian capital, killing
hundreds of civilians in the process, in violation of
international law. The same law which Obama accuses Russia of
violating with Crimea. But that was even before Bush Jr., so who
“Kosovo only left Serbia after a referendum was organized – not
outside the boundaries of international law but in careful
cooperation with the United Nations, and with Kosovo’s
That’s Mr. Obama’s version. What really happened was that
Kosovo’s parliament unilaterally declared independence from
Serbia and later adopted a constitution on Feb. 15, 2008. On the
same day, the US and four European states recognized Kosovo as an
independent country.Ah, right, the referendum. Maybe President Obama meant that 1991
referendum (deemed ‘illegal’ by Serbia), whose results were
recognized by only one country, Albania?![]()
“We are confronted with the belief among some that bigger nations
can bully smaller ones to get their way — that recycled maxim
that might somehow makes right.”
World’s biggest bully preaching peace and love. And its flying
killing robots are the messengers. And guards in secret CIA
prisons are the keepers. And the NSA keeps an eye on those who
won’t listen.As the Romans used to say, quod licet Jovi, non licet bovi (what
is allowed to Jupiter is not allowed to the bull). Well, there
are no gods sitting in Washington, and some people just don’t
want to be treated as cattle.via: Obama says ‘bigger nations cannot simply bully smaller ones’. Wait… what? — RT News
